The Archives of the Many Moons of the Mother-Father
Concerning spirits
When one begins their path on the old ways one way one can tell that father has
accepted them is when one starts seeing very interesting things that hail from
the spiritual realm. For the most part with my example the majority of spiritual
beings I have seen where of my fears who came after a night of homage giving to
test my strength and faithfulness to father. Alas, when many become one of
father's or say they do not believe in spirits or such when they are faced with
one often times they are so frightened by the experience that they stray away
from father which of course causes problems down the road if not sooner. So this
is why when one begins to see these things, they should do the best that they
can not to be afraid and be strong, even when this isn't possible as long as you
do not stray it will be okie, trust me I've seen things I thought I wasn't even
afraid of until the thing paid me a visit at least 3 to 4 times in one night.
The next reason to try not to show fear is renegade spirits, these are the
spirits that are not of Satan or any of the gods and will even harm you if
they get enough energy and the chance to do so, I know this for a fact as well
-_-, . These baddies along with other spirits as far as I understand need a
certain element that can only be found in their world to remain here in our
realm, without it their time in this realm is short which is why for the most
part when one sees something it only lasts a few seconds. These renegade spirits
however like to ride on people's energy, their most favorite is anger or fear,
possibly even sadness, the worst part is that they use these emotions as fuel to
continue their not so nice deeds. They have no purpose in what they do besides
just causing problems for the people they attack, at times I even wonder if
these harmful spirits can be summoned by certain types of sorcerers just to harm
other people to show how "powerful" he or she is. I'll have to ask the high priest
about that one, yet there is certainly a belief that this has been happening
since humans became aware of magic, even today we hear stories of this
occurring. There are certain things one can do to ward off these spirits, one of
the most common would be a sage smudging, the herb sea salt or any other
protection/purification herb. Calling uponSatan and the dark forces often
times works as well. Other ways are much more complex with that would require
that one knows how to astral travel to chase the being back to where it belongs.
Another type of spirit is the spirits that are our fellow man, loved ones,
friends and family members who have past on through the veil of life and death
and had not yet been reborn.Depending on one's relationship with the spirit or
how the spirit lived and died depends if they are friendly or not. In many
places in the world when one dies the family is to give the spirit offerings,
and veneration, letting the spirit know that he or she has not been forgotten.
Failure to do this often times causes not so happy spirits. Other places
depending on your belief still believes that the spirits of people still dwell
upon the earth and so use them in being a representative to their higher power
in order to get things, hence another reason for ancestor veneration. Even in
china, when one dies, if he or she was not given what the spirit needs, its po
(the earth yin spirit) becomes what we call basically a poltergeist that
terrorizes the family and anyone who crosses its path. When this happens of
course, one with spiritual knowledge on the spirits and how to deal with them is
Then of course with me believing that all things within nature have a spirit
inside them we also have spirits of nature which I would imagine as long as
nature is respected then all is well, ancient peoples, basically no matter where
believed in this as well. When we as humans violate nature by digging too deep
into the earth for resources or strip the forests of their trees or harm the
wild life just because we can, I believe that these spirits are also connected
to Satan who then allows the spirits to retaliate against us by allowing
natural disasters to happen. This is why in essence we should respect nature and
the spirits that dwell in the earth in his name. Even when nature is going
through a dark cycle it should be respected because the spirits within nature
know that there must be a balance to everything.oh and i almost forgotten, alot
of these spirits also like to come visit not only in visions but also in dreams.
this is the basics, please add or change something if something is not quite
right ^^ the more the better