The Archives of the Many Moons of the Mother-Father
Some truths of Christianity
1.its made up of pagan DNA uses lies to control the lives of the people(do I need to explain?) justifies slavery (think about the south during slavery times)
4.justifies the exploitation of nature, women, and children(one of the main reasons our planet is dying, many relationships are on rocky ground and many kids are having too many issues.)
5.justifies abuse(need I say more?)
6.The "cross" is pagan, (as a matter of fact, it is believed that the finding of the cross was found under one of Aphrodite's temples.)
7.Christianity is too similar to the ancient Roman religion called Mithraism. Right down to the beliefs, traditions, (even the so called Jesus having the last supper which Mithras had also had done.)
8.Christianity caused the fall of Rome
9.Real Christianity despises marriage and family. The only reason why marriage was allowed in medieval times was so to control and exploit women.
10.Christianity condemns free will, free thought, and the use of magic
11.Christianity destroyed many cultures and killed many people to justify its ends( think about the native Americans for example)
12. Real Christian women cannot be feminists,are supposed to be submissive to their husbands, and during the early times, were not allowed to have children,or even desires.
13. The pastors/Priests know the truth but hide it from their congregation and lie to them.
14.Jesus was a Jew, meaning according to the Jewish laws, he had to have been married. This also shows that he was human and did human things including "sin"
15.Christianity made desire and love a sin
16.The Christianity we know today was not of Jesus, but was written by Paul, (who may I add hated women so much he had himself castrated so that he would have a better chance to enter heaven as a celibate.)
17.Only a few certain number of books made it into the Bible, several hundreds did not.
18.The disciples written their books at least a hundred years AFTER the death of Christ.
19.During his life time, know one knew Jesus to be the Christ until 100 years after his death.
20.Christinainity advocates sacrifice(who remembers that one story where God asked what's his face to kill his son just to see if he would obey?)
21.The bible is loaded with contradiction
22.God does not care about no one who does not bow down to him.
23. Traditionally, You cannot be a Christian and financially well off or rich.(yet the Catholics priests and such are doing well)
24.The Great fire of 64AD was caused by Christians who was in a hurry to die, meaning True Christianity Advocates suicide.
25.SATURDAY is the real day of worship for Christians, not Sunday, (this was changed by Constantine)
26.Christianity stole all of its holidays from pagan traditions (Christmas, Easter for example)
27.Christianity stemmed off from Judaism
28.Christ did not take the world from Satan, Satan still owns it(HAIL Satan!)
29.Christianity causes nations, states ,families, friends, and loved ones to fight amongst one another.(do I need to use an example for this?)
30.Christianity forces its followers to be blind sheep waiting to be taken advantaged of , sold out by our governments and even at times "taken out"(like today's government for example)
31. The Jesus that came out of the cave after supposedly defeating death was an imposter (why else would his followers that witnessed it not recognize him)
32. When Moses was on the mountain Sinai only he and God where there to first see the ten commandments(according to the bible to approve something there must be a least 2-3 or more witnesses to approve something)
33. the Christians do not even treat their own commandments with respect(they use it to control and alter it to suit their own wants)
34.The old testament was written in old Jewish Law, the new testament by Roman law
35.The true nature of Christianity and its followers is cold blooded and it and its followers; purpose is to take all that gives you joy and leave you nothing but a reason to follow their god
36.Thanks to the efforts of Christianity, the majority of the ancient cultures' history, beliefs and others have been lost, changed or altered.
37.Also thanks to Christian efforts, many things concerning other religions are censored on the internet, in libraries, schools and other places.
38.The bible has been written in several different languages (which is fine until you realize that if not careful the original meaning(s) of the text is lost, changed and or altered to suit modern needs to control
39.Jesus had made a mistake when he promised that all prophesies would occur during his life time (yet we are all still here)
40. Jesus did not even die on the cross, it was Judas, and even if he did, it was done for the jewish people, not the world.