The Archives of the Many Moons of the Mother-Father
From Father Satan, a message on the past and the future
the past
We need not keep looking for the past, we need to look toward the future for the
past is unclear of the beginning. Only those of true heart will learn about the
beginning which is kept from man for all see it differently and no one truly
know, for the secret of the beginning will only be known in the end. For no one
truly knows who I am, for the writing were never written for I was here before
civilization knew what writing was for you have seen. So why question, you have
heard me why do you ask? For I have help you why not trust me? For I have test
you, but I do so for reason the night was not for this time built the time you knew
before. The word I have spoken are the one you have heard before for if you
question me than I shall question you. For I have said in the past, I was here
before there was any others, and was being lost in their shadows, so why would
you find me being put in the shadow of all the others would claim to be me so
the past in unimportant, the future is what matters. For I have told you what lies
ahead, so do not dwell of things you will never know, but to do what you do know.
The ancients of the past, use as a reminder, what can come forth but to what
will come next for in time all will know, but those who follow already do, the
ancient will prepare you for.
the future
we are building to be strong, and those who would are willing to stand to the oath
will remain. for many shall look and seek, but only few will remain for their
hearts are true. for only those who are open to knowledge and truth will seek to gain and work to be strong and walk the path of the few, and willing to stand strong, to gain
their place in the end. it will be the weak would will faulter and follow a
falsehood, for they are weak and they are not true to Me nor themselves, they
will crumble and fall in ashes. Those who seek me, and follow me with their
heart and soul shall rise up and be strong for in the end times they will rule
with my guidance. so hear me my children, we must stay strong, and rise above
man's weakness and walk with pride and thyself, for you are the chosen to start a
new and the world shall be ours as it was to be in the beginning. for I speak of
my children, I use my servant to help me for he know my mind. one with the truth
and the strength to stand firm is stronger than any army who follow as they are
told. for listen time is not of long, time reuniting is coming close, and we
need to be ready to defend and win, for we are the army of the world. we need to
be ready, and listen to the one who teaches, for I guide him, and show him the
future, he knows, and is working to prepare the true ones