The Archives of the Many Moons of the Mother-Father
Shaher and Shalem, the house of Shalem
It has been proven interesting studying this and just as difficult trying to find any information on the subject, other than what Barbara Walker's book tell us. However, what we do know is this, the house of Shalem consisted of the worship of both our god Shaher and his twin counterpart Shalem, both being born from the womb of the great goddess Ashera. If this information is right then it would prove that not only did father Satan and Yahew were brothers but were both held in high regard and worshipped together in Ancient Cannan. Still to this day, Father Satan or Shaher is given homage through the Jewish Shaharit, the morning service which was based on his ancient Cannanite cult. It was the belief that Father Satan as the morning star would summon the birth of the sun, while his brother would summon the death of the sun as the evening star. It would seem logical to the Cannonites to worship both together because they were considered the celestial twins, twins being the key word that were held in high regard in several ancient cultures. For example, Shaher and Shalem were considered to be the same as the Greek Castor and Pollux, (which I'll come back to in a bit) they were also according to the Persians, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda, Dylan and Lleu to the Celtics, The Lord of Life and The Lord of Death to the American Natives, and many many others. What is fascinating is that all these cultures and others not mentioned always say that one represented light, birth and the realm of the living, while the other darkness, death and the realm of the dead, a complete balancing of the natural cycle of life. Which brings one to a question, of what happened to the twins and why is it that we do no longer worship these two together? Well there are several reasons given for this, according to the ever popular Christian account Father did not agree with his brother's treatment of humans or his tyrant like rule and just left, or the way Christians like to believe, Father Satan rebelled and was casted down to Hell (Earth). Another reason given by Barbara Walker is that either Yahew attempted to take the power of the Great mother for himself and casted out his brother because of competition or there was competition for the hand of the great goddess. Thankfully, Father did win it. Yet going back to Castor and Pollux another reason comes to mind, if one is familiar with the story, the twins were born of Leda and Zeus and grown inseparable, until the fateful day where Castor dies and Pollux pleads to his father to share Castor's fate so that they would still in some form be together. Now depending on the version of the story the twins were placed in the heavens as a constellation, the zodiac Gemini, another version claims that one twin went to the earth to be reborn again and again with the birth of the sun while the other went to the heavens to remain there. Yet whatever the reason, in the end we see that Shaher or Father Satan not only remembers and respects his mother but that he loves and protects us too, which shows there is a reason for everything, even the bad. This is what I came up with so far studying the house of Shalem, and hopefully sometime down the line I can find and add more.