The Archives of the Many Moons of the Mother-Father
the good vs. evil mindset
To have a "its either this way or that way" type of mindset has proven to be for the most part wrong, especially within Satanism. For if one attempts to be rid of all that is seen and deemed as bad by society, religion and parents, you lack the proper balance needed within your life. For all things that give joy, pleasure and happiness can also bring pain, misery and anger. For example, if one suffers a heartbreak and decides to totally exclude love from their lives, not only do they push away loved ones but close off any chances of healing. Furthermore, whenever they do get a chance to find new love they harm that potential love and that person will possibly go around doing the same thing, causing a breakdown of the balance and causing it to go to the opposite extreme and remaining there which is also wrong. To not allow oneself to heal would cause a weakness and weakness is bad within Satanism. The only reason why a dualistic mindset within Satanism is properly is to fight against those who refuse to see that everything is potentially good and bad and that they wish to censor or cut out the bad aspects of life. This meaning of course our ever constant struggle against, Christians, Jews and modern day Satanists which the Christians and the Jews censor and control the lives of the masses, while the modern day Satanists on the flip side wish to destroy even the very fabric which our faith truly stands upon!
This my dear people is a violation against the nature of humanity, the spiritual and dishonors or dark Lord Satan. This is why being in the middle is almost all the time the safest way to go whenever dealing with a situation because you are able to see both sides of the coin, you are able to see which side is in the "right" and in the "Wrong" and you are more able to understand that the light cannot exist without the dark. It is ok to stay within on one side of the coin, but to stay there permanently would be dangerous, for those who are always fighting against "evil" are more easily controlled, and are able to control the lives of others while on the flip side, those who stay on the dark side all the time are very capable to destroying all things life. In short Balance is needed greatly in each persons' lives.