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Well It has been brought to my mind, of things that others do and call themselves  satanists. It is ok, because it may be the way they believe, or the way they were  shown. Hail Satan!! For years those of us who worship Satan have been lied to and pushed around by those who support views and ideologies that require Satanist’s to learn Latin or Enochian. “enough already” Satan speaks all languages and requires simple devotion to him. It isn't as complex as they would want you to believe, making you think you have to know this and that. You have only one life force inside you, not many as some try to make you think. Some say you have to learn how to gain your crown and  become a gods head, well it is nothing that complex.Those who say this believe in many gods and use a lot from ancient witchcraft, and many different ancient cultures. Furthermore, yes some even believe  we came from alien worlds, and that their gods they worship are aliens.Well I believe that is far from the truth, and I have found nothing to support the alien beliefs. For years those of us in traditional  Satanism have watched numerous groups sprout up and go away, unable to attract others like themselves.

As other groups and people in Satanism criticize me, or what I write about, feeling the hurt of exposure, all in all, the Traditional  Satanism is starting now to expand and prosper in a world filled with negative sediment. It has been said by many other satanists that you need to know magic, and things like knowing  your moons.  I am tired of groups in Satanism forcing the ideology that one must know or learn magic in order to become a Satanist. This is nothing further from the truth. Many in Traditional  Satanism do practice magic, however, for the new to Satanism this can drive them easily off due to the contents of most  books being written by adepts for adepts. Being a Traditional Spiritual  Satanist does not require the practice of magic. Satan could care less if you can do magic, just be devoted and ready to raise the sword against those who are against him.

So traditional Spiritual satanists do use magic but it isn't a must, it is usually done by the High Priest or High Priestess, when doing a ritual or ceremony. So for the new comers you don't  need to get worried if you don't understand or are not interested in the magical part of it. First thing you must do is be devoted and dedicated to Father Satan (Lucifer/Shaher) only , without any others. Some talk  about all these different "Demons", and you are given your own. well let me say this that is far  from the truth, father Satan may send one to help you  through some trying times, but that is mostly for support and guidance. But you must ask Satan first for the help. Satan doesn’t require secret lore and fairy tales, dark ideologies, or arcane passages to follow him in his quest for dominance.  He requires devotion, and with such devotion he provides the student or the adept guidance through individuality or in a coven. And so many people want to be individual, which is good everyone is, but they want their own way of doing things and believing. Without some guidance and some organization, they would be no more than  dysfunctional occults.  If you want to be an individual Satanist and do things your way this is not the place for you. Period.

 Plus now days there are rebels that claim that they are satanists, making their own rules, and hiding behind the true satanic belief.  These types of PUNKS don't even have a clue of what true satanisism is. We date back for centuries.  We follow much of the old ways with homage, respect, and magical. We do not  go out and write 666 on everything. We don't cut ourselves, nor use drugs,  or harm others just to harm.  To be a satanist, it must be in your heart,  a willingness to learn, accept self growth, respect your body and others. Why do you need to bath before a ritual for example? Oh to show respect to Father Satan, you need to be clean, cutting on your body is  not showing  him respect. And as far as the term they use like meetings??? That is a Christian term, all I can see is people who are Christians, using Satan to do as they want illegally. This is what we have talk about using Satan as an excuse to do illegal things.

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