The Archives of the Many Moons of the Mother-Father
lagtime in maigc
Often, when performing a working, there is a lag time. The lag time is the time it takes for the working to manifest on the material plane. The lag time has to do with many factors. One, the power of the mage, two, the power of others involved, if any, in the situation, and three, the power of the interferring factors in the situation. All of this ties in.
For example, in performing a healing, one may not experience any improvement until hours or a day later [in most cases]. Sometimes, there are immediate results, but this is often not the case and oftentimes, many workings must be repeated to have any serious lasting effect.
Even if one is not into witchcraft or deliberate workings with the mind, what is etched upon the soul through taking a serious vow or repeatedly ingrained in the mind, this often carries over into future lifetimes for better or worse.
For many of us, [myself included], just 'looking' at our chakras, we can readily feel them, same goes for our spiritual energy. This reveals the sensitivity of the mind and soul. This is also especially apparent in the area of suggestion.
A prime example here is when one is in love, deeply in love, one usually wants this to last forever, and believes it will be so. There will be no other lover. Orgasm and lovemaking are very intense in opening the soul. Vowing the relationship will be forever and so forth to one's self, this readily imprints upon the soul. So, what happens? In future lifetimes, this vow, for example will work to ruin ones' love life, relationships and act to sabotage any attempts at a lasting, compatible, satisfying, love relationship. We are not aware of this consciously, but our soul is. It has been programmed. So, one's love life is fated and suffers accordingly.
Another one- money. Few have escasped the intense xian indoctrinations that hold poverty up as a virtue. "Money is the root of all evil" and all that other lying sack of shit garbage they try to force feed Gentiles with. This also includes so-called 'religions' other than xianity that extoll poverty and owning little or nothing as something being desirable. So, again, this crap is imprinted upon the soul, and in most cases if not all, this transfers into future lifetimes of poverty, often repeated over and over.
Then there is health. Again, xian negative and malignant filth working overtime- "one is punished for one's sins" low self-esteem, self deprecation, damnation, you name it. Self hatred is also carried on the soul in future lifetimes. Fated events where one experiences many ugly things and misfortunes can be traced back to past lives and in many cases, what was imprinted upon the soul. Lifetimes of suffering due to ill health.
And lastly, the energies of others can also factor in. How we interacted with others in our past, revenge, hatred or in some cases, love and friendship. This is how we meet with loved ones from past lives and also have fated meetings with enemies or other problems. Energy stays and collects upon the soul. "Keep one's self PURE" has also been hideously corrupted. In truth, the saying originally means- CLEAN YOUR AURA REGULARLY!
Now, how do we handle these engravings and programmings upon our souls and change them to what we want? WE MUST REPETITIVELY REPROGRAM OURSELVES AND OUR SOULS TO WHAT WE CONSCIOUSLY AND INTENTIONALLY DESIRE!
For the bad love life, one must engulf one's self with energy and affirm for example that you are deserving of true sexual love [you have to be specific, as love can be very general] and a happy relationship. You are FREE IN EVERY WAY to attract the love of your life. This must be repeated and INGRAINED in your mind and soul.
As for the money- if you even experience a tinge of guilt regarding money and/or material possesions, you need to work on changing your attitude. Money and material things make life fun and make opportunities available. Work on reprogramming your mind and soul to attract money.
As for low self-esteem, always remember- NO ONE IS PERFECT!
STOP HATING YOURSELF! Reprogram your mind that you accept yourself and that you are a worthwhile person. If you have certain things about yourself that you really hate and cannot stand, then work on these, using your powers, relentlessly until you change them.
Having goals is what makes life meaningful. Make a list of goals [whatever they may be] today and work on each one until it becomes a reality