The Archives of the Many Moons of the Mother-Father
Hoodoo and Voodoo explained
1. Voodoo-is a religion that focuses on the worship and celebrating with the
voodoo loas who are the voodoo Gods and Goddesses, some also believe also in the
most powerful God the great Zombie. Voodoo like Satanism has its roots from
looooong ancient time ago, and was born as far as we know in Africa. When the
Europeans enslaved the Africans, Voodoo has spread from Africa to many parts of
the world,most famously in the Caribbeans, Haiti and New Orleans. The use of
magic such as herbalism, candle magic, and anything particular magic worldy or
supernatural-wise and others are a great part of Voodoo but not the only part.
Unlike Satanism today, Voodoo has maintained sacrifices of small animals to
offer to the loas. They also used to use certain other types of sacrifices but
have long been done with that. Another thing that connects Satanism and Voodoo
is the desire aspect of things, so if you ever go to a certain voodoo ritual and
find that things have turned into an erotic situation, then you know what I
mean. The best quote that best sums up voodoo is this, "Christians go to church
to worship their God, we go to ritual to party with ours" Ironically however,
Catholicism aspects can be found in Voodoo (example, they use also the catholic
2.Hoodoo-(also known as conjure)is a system of magic that was born in America by
the slaves fighting against Christianity, yet ironically it has infused with
Christianity.(although it is NOT a religion it can be adapted to to your
particular religion and maybe the reason why people get Voodoo and Hoodoo mixed
up, however like us if careful one can be a voodoo practitioner and use hoodoo
but not vice versa) Its has been made up of African,European,native American,
kabalaistic and other forms of folk magic. Hoodoo in the slavery days was used
as healing natural or occult illnesses using elements of the earth (earth,
chicken bones, herbs and others just as a basic) and the supernatural or harming
using the same elements, it was also used for other things. Hoodoo can also be a
very erotic situation, especially when you desire someone and can use your
bodily fluids and others to attract them to you. For the most part, those
practicing Hoodoo may or may not choose to worship a particular God or a set of Gods but use the power within themselves to perform magic.
-If anyone desires to know more let me know, all this is basically from the top
of my head plus a few notes