The Archives of the Many Moons of the Mother-Father
How people are being misled
Well after doing more research in the middle ages witch hunt.I noticed that
thing they accused ones of being a witch, was translated to satanism. From
sacrifices, blood drinking, killing children, as stems back to the witch hunts.
These were use by Christians saying that is what they had to do to receive
favors from Satan or (the devil) as the christian calls him, Which in all facts
this was untrue,But they had to say this to convict one of being a witch.
There is no proof of these said actions, most were fabricated by the christian,so that they could build their own religion,So you see the 14th to 18th centuries the churches lied to make themselves look good and to scare people to follow them. And truth be known in that time period women were thought to be below human will no soul. So you see the witch trials was use to lay down the lies about satanism, and what Father Satan wants from his followers, and how people today still see satanism is from old christian lies, that has no merits to back them.