The Archives of the Many Moons of the Mother-Father
Concerning balance, black and white magic
IBalance in magic"well you need balance, so you have understand both because nothing is all good and nothing is all bad and in magic if you are to protect yourself how do you know what you are facing if you know only one?" Something to always keep in mind, there are some who will stay on the light side and say that the dark is evil, then there are those who stay on the dark side that say the light side is for the weak and simple. But those who work with both plus other sides are not only the most balanced but fear nothing and know much. How can you fight off the unbalanced dark if you remain in the light all the time? And how can you be appreciative of the lighter side of things when you dwell in the dark side all the time? Being balanced in both gives you strength, knowledge and allows you to be ready for anything and everything that the spiritual and magical can throw at you. so many are afraid of the dark, because what society think of it,, but dark can do as much good as white,, Key note people must realize is dark magic will usually last longer and is usually stronger than white, and yes balance is a key part, you have to have balance,, in nature there is balance,, we have light but yet we have darkness that is balance, to balance the body we are awake to do things but then we have time to sleep to rest that is balance, this also works in magic, and if you don't think so than you need not be trying magic because you will hurt yourself or some one else, you be a talker with on power.
Concerning Black Magic
Following off the post concerning white magic, I thought that we should discuss black magic. Like it was said before, expressing and exploring your darkness is not a bad thing. In fact in order for you to be complete and at peace with oneself you are encouraged to do so. This is of course as long as you keep your intent, emotions and desires in check and not let them control you to the point of overkill. People often forget that there is beauty in the darkness and that black magic does not always entail the harming of others, but it could also entail searching ones' soul for something that must come to light, exploring something that terrifies us, disgusts us or even travel to unseen realms much more darker than our own. Lets look at it this way, no matter whom you worship your god or goddess, spirit, natural phenomenon, element, whatever you use for magic has both a light and dark side to it. Its darkness can be seen in all things, especially in things that we fear, don't know or even hate. How are we to truly love our god, goddess or whatever if we just love the positives that can be seen in things that we learn to love and accept and not the negatives? Black magic if done properly can help us not only accept things that we fear and hate but explore deeper levels within our souls to bring us to a deeper love for our god or goddess or whatever. Then when you begin to realize this, your darkness will be balanced with your lighter side, something that is very important in magic and self growth.
Concerning positive/white magic
As far as I am concerned, magic is magic, it is our intent, desires and emotions that can turn it into white, black or some other color depending on your magical tradition. WE are the ones who decide on what type of energy the spell has and can be. A good example is that you can do a simple love spell, usually love spells run in the positive/white magic category, however from a certain standpoint that same white love spell can turn black real quick for many reasons, one because one's intent or energy may be filled with darkness, negativity ect. This is not to say that darkness is a bad thing, for to be truly good in magic you have to accept both the darkness and lightness and be balanced. A good key thing to remember than concerning working white magic is to keep your intentions, desires and energy as balanced and positive as possible, this will certainly be the case when working magic such as healing, protection cleansing, banishings and such.
May your light side be always bright
May your dark side be always dark
May they always be in tune